How is ozone man-made?
Multiple-high voltage sparks split oxygen (O2) molecules, the free oxygen atoms quickly bind with oxygen molecules, forming an ozone (O3) molecule by means of a chemical reaction.
How does ozone kill pathogens?
Ozone is nature’s highly effective sanitiser. It is a strong oxidising agent that reacts with and destroys micro-organisms by damaging their internal structures and cell walls.
Does ozone leave residue?
Ozone is cleaner than other methods because it does not leave any byproducts or residue that needs to be cleaned later.
Is ozone safe?
In low concentrations (<0.2 ppm) ozone is not harmful. ArcAqua’s systems have been designed to take health and safety requirements into strict consideration – while still meeting the concentration criteria for proper sanitation.
Can you store ozone?
No, ozone has a ‘half-life’’, which means it’s concentration halves every 30 minutes in air at ambient temperatures. This means that ozone has to be generated on-site.
Why is ArcAqua’s ozone system unique?
ArcAqua has a worldwide patent registered for its ozone delivery system, so no one else can build our product.
I have an unusual sanitising requirement, can you help?
ArcAqua have been providing unique solutions to the food processing industry since 2011. We believe that there’s a great chance that we can be of assistance.
What industries does ArcAqua service?
Just about every food processing industry imaginable.
Does ozone inhibit/kill fungi and moulds?
Yes, with sufficient concentration and exposure to ozone.
How is ozone different from other sanitising products used in the food industries?
Ozone is empirically effective, leaves zero chemical residues and is environmentally friendly